Goooooooood morning Chicago!
Just kidding, i’m not in Chicago, but it felt like something I should say. Anyway, today I’ve got a couple stories for ya!
I know we’ve been on a hiatus for a while—I dont know why I always say we when it’s just me doing this, but I feel like since i play every role on the team, i should get more credit and say we like this is a big thing and not just me doing this on my living room floor.
We took a hiatus because i didn’t have any stories to share, sad, and also got busy with friends family and doing anything else, mostly watching bon appetit videos on youtube. if you are already sick of this episode, go watch some bon appetit videos, they’ll perk ya right up.
well onto the stories i guess.
Martha is from Iowa but moved to DC after graduating college. She was pretty much the only Iowan at her college and moving to DC she knew absolutely no one from Iowa also moving there. One day, she ran into her high school boyfriend. From Iowa. In DC. Not sure if it was awkward or not, but I’d just be convinced i was seeing things. Iowa is barely a real place to us East Coasters, so to suddenly see your ex from Iowa, I’d be shocked.
We’ve got an Ireland story up next, and oh you wanted more from our last story? Too bad. I make the rules and also there was no more.
from our favorite leprechaun (she’ll hate me for saying that but it’s funny) Aoife. Aoife texted me that four boys from the dc area went to Ireland and saved this girl from drowning the same day that like thirty years earlier they’re grandpa drowned. I’m glad everyone was okay, i’ve been reading way too many drowning stories lately. My parents went on a cruise to the bahamas and i texted them a lot of safety tips warning them about rip currents and ice burgs and other general safe cruise ship behavior. Like in our story, my family survived thank goodness.
Next story was sent in by Callie. Callie says: I got to college like a lot of people having never done the deed despite having a long term boyfriend in high school. And that trend continued until one fateful Valentine’s day date party my freshman year. I went to a fraternity date party and ended up bringing my date back to my room afterwards—things escalated quickly and and before I knew it he was taking a condom out. But when he went to open it, he dropped it and it disappeared. Assuming it had ended up folded in my sheets somehow I gave up looking for it. We found another one and I never gave it another thought. Fast forward to moving out of my dorm a few months later. My mom and I are clearing out the last of my things from under my lofted bed and giving the room one last check before locking it. We moved the dresser to see if anything had fallen behind it and you can guess what we found. The condom (from the ONLY time I had needed one in that room) was laying on the floor, plain as day. To this day i still cannot believe the odds of not finding it until i was moving out, and in the company of my mother.
Wow, that’s some bad luck mixed with a bit of coincidence.
This next one is from Carolyn. She says, My dad’s name is Harold but everyone calls him Hal. It’s a common nickname of Harold, but Harry is probably even more common. My Dad even had a mail lady in his office call him Harry for many years because my dad was either too kind or too lazy to correct her.
Anyways. when my dad and family visited me at school we were walking around Colonial Williamsburg and my dad got hungry. He is the kind of person where hunger will come out of nowhere and he immediately has to eat or get shaky. My dad broke off from our group and went to the closest food place possible which was the beloved Cheese Shop of course. Now eeveryone who knows the Cheese Shop knows that it gets extremely busy, especially when you drop in during peak hours on a random sunny Saturday like my dad did.
He orders and then waits in the long line of people waiting to pick up their orders. He hears his order: HAL F. But before he can make it up to the counter another man grabs his sandwich and starts commenting that it is the wrong one. My dad walks up to him and says Yeah cause that’s my sandwich. The other man hesitates, looks at him, and exclaims: There’s another Hal F??!! What are the odds that two Harolds who go by Hal happened to go the Cheese Shop on the same day AND both have the same first initial of their last names. We still find this story hilarious and quote the guy saying There’s another Hal F everytime we hear our dad say his name is Hal.
Thanks everyone for sharing!
To my friends that have and continue to share stories, i love you. For everyone else, suck it. But send in your stories when you can!